Power customers should brace themselves for another electric shock, as the Discos have submitted an application with Nepra seeking a Rs2 per unit increase in power rates.
If the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority accepts a Rs2/unit rise in the power rate, electricity users will face an additional burden of Rs42.63 billion.
The increase is being sought in the current year’s first quarterly adjustment charges.
The hike will not affect K-Electric customers.
The regulatory authority will hear the petition filed by the electricity distribution companies on Nov 15.
Separately, another application has been filed in the Nepra seeking a 51 paisa raise in the electricity price of the K-Electric.
The application was submitted by the federal government.
The National Electric Power Regulatory Authority will hold hearing on the petition on Nov 8.
On Oct 26, the Nepra increased its price by 9 paisa per unit. The hike applied to all power distribution companies except Karachi-Electric (KE.
However, on Oct 24, the Nepra raised electricity price by Rs12.68 per unit in the head of quarterly adjustment for the K-Electric consumers.